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Thursday, February 17, 2011

Jersey Shore Power Rankings Week 7: JWoww Keeps Dialing Up Her Fastball

After JWoww showed off her leather lingerie to Roger, I watched, just stunned.  In the last couple of years, she had a lot of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde situations where she would look awesome in one scene and the other look horrendous. If JWoww were a part of the Milwaukee Brewers' pitching staff, season 1 and somewhat 2, she would be Dave Bush, now she is Zach Grienke. By far the hottest one on the show.  Let's go to the rankings and here are the categories in case you are new here.

1.) Vinny: Last Week-2nd Total Points Scored (167)
How He Scored: 11Q 10JA 3D 2OC
Overall Thoughts: Vinny and Pauly D are battling like Auburn and Oregon did in the last month of the College Football season. I enjoyed Vinny rocking the Free Weezy hoodie, and I liked the whole part about not telling anyone about Sam's departure then goes to Ronnie 'rhymes with weaving.' This will be my new trick if someone asks me about something I cannot talk about.

2.) Pauly D: LW-1st TPS (163)
How He Scored: 9Q 5JA 3D
Overall Thoughts: Not a great performance from Pauly D. He gave Sam a classic send off yelling the 'Cabs are here.' But more importantly, he partied with Aaron Rodgers last weekend and Arod tweeted that Pauly D can wear the belt any time he wants. I hope Pauly busts it out next season in Italy.

3.) Ronnie: LW-6th TPS (136)
How He Scored: 26F 21Q 12JA 3D -9C
Overall Thoughts: Ronnie had his best episode of the year. The man showed so much piss and vinegar tearing through Sammi's half of the room, picking fights with Sitch, breaking down multiple times in the episode, and just destroying Sam's self-esteem. Ronnie is the scariest guy in the house, yet he is the only male cast member to cry. Puzzling.

4.) The Situation: LW-3rd TPS (133)
How He Scored: 7JA 6F 5Q 3D -2BW -3BAN
Overall Thoughts: Sitch finally got called out for being an insitigator. The truest statement I have heard in a long time. Other than Sammi and Ronnie, he loves the drama just as much as they do even though he doesn't want to admit it.  Sitch has the top spot in instigating things, number two is our editor/writer Pat, and number three is our writer Eric. Quick story, one night Eric and I were out, and after bar close, he ended up starting a fight between two random guys. I had to shoo him away so we didn't get talked to by the cops.

5.) Snooki: LW-4th TPS (128)
How She Scored: 19Q 7JA 2OC
Overall Thoughts: Is it weird that Snooki is growing on me?  Like years past, she was just over-the-top and out of control, someone I could never party with. Now, I am thinking I would have a hell of a time fist pumping the night away with Snooki.  I enjoyed her moment this episode where she acted like this was some teenage movie telling Sam that the girls could slut it up better than the boys.

6.) Jwoww: LW-5th TPS (110)
How She Scored: 9Q 5D 5OC
Overall Thoughts: Well you already know how I feel about her attire, but I gave her points that should have belonged to Roger. Granted, he is the epitome of a meathead, but he is generally pretty funny. I also enjoyed how pissed JWoww got when Roger received more attention at the Mexican restaurant then she did. Fantastic show by her.

7.) Deena: LW-7th TPS (92)
How She Scored: 8JA 5Q 4OC
Overall Thoughts: Honestly, I think Deena watched every Jersey Shore episode around 50 times and memorized different things about the show. She said three or four times about how she 'loved single Sam' just like how Vinny and Pauly D said they 'loved single Ron.'  It's like she is trying to be a walking quote machine, not working.

8.) Sammi: LW-8th TPS (38)
How She Scored: 19F 9Q 2JA 2OC -9C
Overall Thoughts: Well Sammi has left the house for now. I am amazed at how many people were sad for Sammi's departure. Like they said so many bad things about her, it didn't make sense for them to be sad. For example if a cast member on the Real World gets kicked off, people basically give them the finger.
