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Monday, January 31, 2011

Weight Room Behaviors

I have recently gotten back in the swing of things in the weight room after a long period of laziness. Since I've started lifting again, I realized how much I hate going into the weight room. Not because I do not like to lift (I do), but all the other people in the weight room grind my gears. The stuff they do just either makes me laugh or make me pist off. Here are some examples (in no particular order of how much they grind my gears):

1. The lifters who look like they are on speed: These guys are the lifters who never let their muscles take a break. They'll finish one set on one machine, then sprint directly to the next machine and immediatly begin doing their next exercise. Slow the fuck down for heaven's sake. They are always on at least 3 different machines at one time. What especially grinds my gears is that if you try and step in to get some work in on one of the machines they are working on they'll say to you, "Sorry bro, I'm using that machine." Pick an exercise to do and stick with it until you are ready to move to the next one.

2. The grunters/screamers: This is a situation to me where there is some degree of gear grindness. The grunters do not really piss me off more than they do make me giggle. The screamers now, thats another story. This goes for the coaches and the lifters. I am not one of those guys who needs to be screamed at to get me to do my lift. Just let me do my lift, so I do not understand why some guys need to be screamed at. As for the lifters, ok ya we all know you are there lifting 300 pounds on the bench press. I don't need to hear you proclaim to the world that you are lifting 300 pounds.

3. The "I don't lift legs" guys: You can tell who these guys are. Big upper bodies, with small chicken legs. I know what some of these guys' mentality is: to look good for girls. If thats what you lift for, then may God have mercy on your soul. You should lift to help keep you in shape and to improve your health. Show your legs some love when you lift. That way, you won't look so unproportional when I see you walking down the street.

4. The people who are in there forever, but don't really do anything: One of our contributors to Snotap is one of these guys, Mitchy. These people don't grind my gears but it just makes me laugh. They just walk around and just bs with everyone in there, but don't really do any lifting. Nothing was funnier than working out in the summer with Eric at the YMCA and doing our shooting exercises and then lifting and having Mitchy follow us around. Eric would get so mad and I would just laugh at Mitch and Eric because they would be going at each other. One of the highlights of my working out experiences.

I'm sure there are tons of other behaviors that can be stated, but I'll leave that up to the other contributors and readers to make comments on behaviors that they think are funny. I can't wait until I make my first million, so I can open up my own weight room and basketball court that only my friends and I can use. That way I don't have to deal with all these other people and their antics.
